Experienced Government Contractors

We are thankful to have veterans on our team and in our families and for the bases that are an integral part of our community. Call us today for GSA certified locksmiths who have years of our experience working on our local bases.  Whether your team is upgrading your secure containers, repairing cypher locks, troubleshooting failed safe & door lock hardware, or installing new hardware for secure facilities, we have the solutions to keep you compliant and operational.  We are proud to have decades of GSA hardware experience on our team, and we are proud to support the men and women who serve our country!

GSA certified locksmiths
Government approved locks
Technicians with base vendor access (Eglin AFB and Hurlburt Field)
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Section 889 Compliant Security Systems

Bases We Have Worked On

Eglin AFB

Hurlburt Field AFB

Tyndale AFB

NAS Pensacola